(there's probably more roads to Rome, but this is how I did it, feel free to comment/improve)
- a rooted phone
- the ROM with Android KitKat
- a working connection to a Windows PC with PDANet ADB drivers
- MTKDroidTools
- Busybox
- SP Flash Tool
- a backup of your NVRAM
Since the Zopo community is kind enough to supply us with regular updates of the Z700's (and other models') ROM, let's update to KitKat.
Now firstly I must stress that my method deletes your NVRAM, which basically removes all sim-related functionality from the phone (in N00B language: you can't call anybody, and you can't be called because the phone doesn't have an IMEI number anymore) so make a backup first, so you can restore it later.
Backing up the NVRAM
To do that, we need a rooted phone. In older builds of the ZOPO Z700 you just need to go to the settings menu, click ' about phone', click on the phone build info '7 times to activate the ' advanced settings' menu. Go up one level, open ' advanced settings' and activate superuser. For later builds I recommend using the latest Vroot (1.7.8) which you can obtain here:
You need it anyway after the upgrade.
Now all these tools are basically using vulnerabilities in Android, so you want to disable your virusscanner before you run any of them.
Connect your phone, start Vroot, wait for the driver to be installed on your phone, click ' Root', the phone will reboot after a while, and if all is well, you will get a ' completed' message and your phone is rooted. Next, install BusyBox on the phone. (download it, open it, click Install)Now you can start MtkDroidTools, which you can obtain from this forum (buy Gizbeat a beer) and backup your NVRAM. Follow the instructions here:/>backup/restore NVRAM
(and don't forget to buy Gizbeat that beer)
Check if the files have been copied to the NVRAM backup folder in MTKDroidTools. If that is the case, we can upgrade.
Upgrading to KitKat
Download the latest ZOPO build from here:
and unpack it.
Turn off your phone, remove the battery for 5 seconds, put it back, do NOT turn on the phone.
Start SP flash tool on your PC. (SP flash tool download is also available on this forum. Remember, buy that beer!)
Load the scatter file from the ROM folder. On the left there is a dropdown box, set it to 'format all+ download'. Click the ' Download' button. Connect the (turned off) phone. Wait for the format and download to happen (takes a few minutes)
Disconnect the phone. Take out the battery again and put it back. Turn the phone on. Wait, it takes some time to upgrade. If the white ZOPO screen doesn't go away after 5 minutes, press the 'on' button again shortly.
You should be upgraded to KitKat now, but there is an invalid IMEI. To get that back, we need to restore NVRAM. Root the phone again (see above), install Busybox, and follow instructions for restore.
backup/restore NVRAM
Reboot, and it's done! (you can check the wireless update app to update once more to the latest build of Kitkat)